Wednesday 18 December 2013

Thriller Poster Analysis

 Firstly, at the top of the poster it has some information about the producers previous movies, this would increase the amount of viewers the films gets as people who liked those movies would then come to watch this one.
In the middle of the poster there is a caption, it gives away a little information about the movie so that the person looking at the poster knows what the movie is about. It also has the date the movie is released in the cinema so that people know when it is available for viewing at a cinema.
The main focus point of the poster is the face as it takes up almost the whole page. The person is wearing a mask which is quite sinister and frightening. This links to the previous films that the producer has made. The lighting is also very low key, this adds to the sinister element of the poster.
At the very bottom of the poster there is some smaller writing, one of the captions is ''#survivethenight'', by doing this the audience can get involved with the build up to the film. This would also increase the amount of viewers the movie gets as more people would hear about the movie.  

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